421 Constantius III becomes Roman Co-Emperor in the West (Feb 8-Sep 2, 421), d. natural causes
1238 The Mongols burn Vladimir, in eastern Russia
1250 Battle of Mansura: Crusader crossbowmen defeat Mamluke cavalry, but lose to Baibars anyway
1676 Accession of Tsar Fyodor II Romanov of Russia (1676-1682)
1690 French troops burn Indian settlement at Schenectady
1743 Battle of Campo Santa: Austrians block Spanish from reinforcing the French in northern Italy
1799 Cardinal Ruffo & 5,000 troops land in Calabria to free Naples from the French
1807 Battle of Eylau, Day 2: Napoleon defeats the Russo-Prussians
1849 Italian liberals proclaim a "Republic of Rome"
1862 Battle of Roanoke Is: the US gains control of Pamlico Sound
1865 Martin Delany becomes first black major in the US Army:
1915 Premier of D. W. Griffith's racist film 'Birth of a Nation', in Los Angeles
1918 "The Stars and Stripes" begins publication in France
1923 The Nazi Party newspaper "Volkischer Beobachter" becomes a daily
1942 Bataan: Philippine troops clear Japanese troops holding Quinauan Point.
1942 Celebes: Japanese land at Makassar.
1942 Malaya: Japanese begin crossing the Strait of Johore, to land on Singapore Island.
1942 NY's Mayor La Guardia forms the paramilitary "City Patrol Corps" to improve wartime security
1943 Burma: Orde Wingate's Chindits begin raid against the Japanese
1943 Red Army liberates Kursk
1944 Burma: Stilwell reports a major Japanese offensive is imminent.
1945 Philippines: Japanese resistance in Manila stiffens.
1949 Communists give Hungarian Cardinal Mindszenty a life sentence
1955 USSR Premier Georgy Malenkov (1953-1955) is replaced by Nikolai Bulganin (1955-1958) and is sent to manage a hydroelectric plant
1968 Orangeburg Massacre: Highway Patrol Officers fire on anti-segregation demonstrators near South Carolina State University, 3 die, 28 wounded
1974 Military coup is crushed in Upper Volta.