480BC Battle of Salamis: The Athenian-Allied fleet defeats the Persians off Athens
61BC Second Day of Pompey's Third Triumph: for the defeat of the Pirates
1096 Xerigordon [Nicaea], invested on the 21st, falls to the Seljuks, who slaughter all who refuse to convert to Islam
1259 Battle of Cassano d'Adda: Ezzelino da Romano is captured by his numerous enemies
1364 Battle of Auray: Anglo-Bretons defeat the Franco-Bretons
1399 England's King Richard II (1377-1399) is coerced into abdicating in favor of his cousin Henry IV (1399-1413), which is accepted by Parliament the next day
1744 Battle of Madonna dell' Olmo: The Spanish defeat the Piedmontese
1813 William Henry Harrison recaptures Detroit from the British
1860 Ancona surrenders to the Piedmontese
1861 Skirmish at Munson's Hill, Va: 69th Pa accidentally fires on the 71st Pa, 9 die
1864 Battle of Chaffin's Farm/New Market Heights/Laurel Hill/Forts Harrison-Johnson-Gilmer: Union forces tighten the ring around Petersburg, at a price
1911 Italy declared war on the Ottoman Empire, to seize Libya and the Dodecanese Is.
1918 Led by the 107th Infantry, NY's 27th Div makes a decisive breakthrough of the Hindenburg Line at the St. Quintin Tunnel
1961 Syria secedes from its union with Egypt in the United Arab Republic of Syria (1958-1961)
1962 JFK authorizes use of federal troops to integrate Ole Miss
1988 UN Peacekeepers win the Nobel Peace Prize