1229 Holy Roman Emperor Frederik II negotiates the return of Jerusalem, Nazareth, & Bethlehem to Christian control
1248 Battle of Parma: HRE Frederick II's army is routed by the Lombards, lifting his siege of the city.
1268 Battle of Rakvere: The Princes of Pskov & Novgorod defeat the Livonian Brothers of the Sword
1574 Battle of Zealand: Dutch rebels capture the island from the Spanish
1622 English & Persians lay siege to Portuguese-held Hormuz (falls 3 May)
1713 French under Jacques Cassard land on Curacao
1814 Battle of Montereau: Napoleon defeats the Austrians & Wurtemburgers1846 US Navy adopts "port" in place of the traditional "larboard"
1857 Sarawak: Local Chinese begin an insurrection
1861 Inauguration of Jefferson Davis as Provisional President of the Confederacy, Montgomery, Ala
1865 Union troops force Confederates to abandon Ft Anderson, NC
1865 Union troops under W. T. Sherman occupy Charleston and its outlying defenses
1901 Winston S. Churchill makes his maiden speech in the House of Commons
1913 Gen. Victoriano Huerta elects himself president of Mexico (Feb 18, 1913-Jul 15, 1914)
1915 Germany proclaims a blockade of England
1919 F. Scott Fitzgerald is discharged from the Army
1932 Japan declares Manchuria independent under Pu-Yi, "The Last Emperor"
1941 CINCUS Husband Kimmel writes, "I feel that an attack . . . on Pearl Harbor is a possibility."
1942 Dutch coast defense ship 'Soerabaya' & a sub destroyed in a Japanese air attack at Surabaya, Java.
1943 Allied intelligence concludes Japanese have evacuated the Russell islands.
1943 Attu: U.S. ships shell Japanese positions for the first time.
1943 Gestapo arrest "White Rose" resistance cell in Munich
1943 HMNZS 'Moa' lands a reconnaissance team on Pavuvu, Russell Islands
1944 Bismarcks: Allied destroyers shell Japanese bases at Rabaul and Kavieng.
1945 Burma: British troops land behind Japanese lines in the Arakan
1965 Gambia gains independence from Britain