1189 Siege of Acre: Crusaders defeat an Ayyubid assault
1259 Battle of Cassano: The Guelphs under Azzo VII d'Este of Ferrare defeat the Ghibellines under Ezzelino III da Romano
1503 League of Perugia: The barons of the Romagna ally against Cesare Borgia
1512 The Medici return to power in Florence after 18 years in exile
1714 Elisabeth Farnese marries Philip V of Spain, and becomes the mother of three dynasties (Spain, Parma, Naples)
1776 Battle of Harlem Heights: Washington ambushes the Brits on the Upper West Side of Manhattan
1795 British capture Capetown from the Dutch
1810 The "Grito de Delores": Fr. Hidalgo proclaims Mexican independence
1812 Great Fire of Moscow frustrates Napoleon's attempt to hold the city
1831 Auber's "Fra Diavolo" has its American premiere, Philadelphia
1854 Cdr David G. Farragut opens 1st Navy Yard on the Pacific, at Mare I.
1861 Battle of Princeton, WVa
1864 "The Beefsteak Raid": Wade Hampton's Confederate cavalry captures over 2,000 cattle and 304 prisoners from a Union supply depot at Coggins Point, Va
1864 Nathan Bedford Forrest begins a raid from Verona, Ms, into Alabama & Tennessee
1917 Navy Department authorizes 16 naval air stations to be built abroad
1919 American Legion incorporated by an act of Congress
1920 A "wagon bomb" detonates in front of the New York Stock Exchange, c. 40 die, c. 300 injured; the case is never solved
1922 Last Greek troops evacuate Asia Minor as Turks advance
1940 Dutch SS is formed
1941 Nazis confine the Jews of Vilna to Ghetto
1941 Under British & Soviet pressure, Reza Shah Pahlawi of Iran (1925-1941) abdicates in favor of his son, Mohammad Reza (1941-1979)
1942 3rd Marine Div is activated at San Diego.
1942 New Guinea: High Tide of the Japanese advance: The Aussies hold Imita Ridge, safeguarding Port Moresby
1943 Australian troops capture Lae, in northeastern New Guinea.
1943 US Fifth and British Eighth Armies unite in Italy
1944 548th Night Fighter Squadron arrives in the Marianas
1950 Eighth Army breaks out of the Pusan Perimeter, in support of the Inchon Landing.
1950 Viet Minh begin offensive against French bases in Vietnam
1955 Coup ousts Juan Peron as President of Argentina
1957 Premier Songgram deposed by a coup in Thailand
1958 USS 'Grayback" (SSG-574) fires the first Regulus II cruise missile, carrying mail
1974 Pres Ford announces conditional amnesty for Vietnam War deserters
1999 Chechen terrorists bomb an apartment house in Volgodnosk, Russia, 17 die
2013 Maniac opens fire in the Washington Navy Yard; before he is killed, 12 die and many are wounded